Wednesday 14 December 2011

2012 My Blogging Resolutions

The blogging prompt this week on Britmums urges us to make some blogging resolutions for the coming year. Maybe resolutions made in mid-December are more likely to be kept than those made on New Years Eve. Who knows?

Earlier this week I published a round up of the year in review for my blog. It's been a really exciting year, and lots of fun, and I have learnt an incredibly amount about writing, working with the media, with charities and its been a year of personal discovery for me as well.

The first resolution I have is to consolidate, to keep doing what I am doing, but do it better. I tend to blog hard and fast, rather than spending ages over posts, and have to say, that the ones I have written straight from the heart get much better reception that those I have spent a long time over. I do have problems with attention to detail and I need to get better at the "boring" stuff, link checking, typing errors etc.

The second resolution is to work closely with the charities close to my heart - Bliss, PiggyBankKids, and Tommy's. Note these are in alphabetical order! I love sharing the work of these charities, as a lot of people don't know of their existence until they need them, or benefit from them.

The third resolution is somewhat out of my hands, but I would love some more radio and print media exposure in 2012. I love radio, and have really enjoyed going on BBC Radio Manchester and Radio 5 Live, and now that there is more national radio based in Manchester I am hoping for further opportunities in this area.

The fourth resolution is to deepen my writing on other platforms. I plan to do some more in depth pieces for A String of Pearls and also for Think Left.  I am hoping for more opportunities to show case my writing.

I think this year I have realised just how much I enjoy blogging, and I can't wait to see how things evolve for Not Even A Bag of Sugar.

I am hoping to attend Britmums Live, work commitments permitting, and just waiting to see how things pan out in the New Year work wise. I so enjoyed Cybermummy, and I can't wait to meet new bloggers and meet up with new friends too.


  1. Good luck with your resolutions! Hope to see you at Britmums :)

  2. Hope you make it to Britmums and I love your post and its commitment to helping good causes whilst pursuing your writing and speaking too.
