Friday 6 April 2012

Good Friday

This morning started with snuggles on the sofa. Joseph has been extra snuggly this week, since I broke him. I can't believe I broke the toddler. It happened on Tuesday. He got his hand caught in the hinge of the bathroom door. His little fingernail came right off. It was heart breaking. He's still a bit tender, but it seems to be healing well. I hope it grows back soon.

I have been busy cooking and preparing for Easter Sunday, I have a night shift tonight then will sleep in the morning and do some more organising in the afternoon. Look what I made! I did intend it to be a joint project but Joseph wasn't interested. He has enjoyed eating the "glitter biscuits".

We used this recipe which worked really well. The lovely cutters are from Lakeland.

I'm hoping to get a simnel cake made. I finally decided on making a lamb souvlaki type dish for Easter Sunday, as we don't have enough tables and seats, it will be like an indoor picnic, unless the sun starts to shine, then we can head outdoors!

What are you up to this Easter holiday?


  1. Going to the in-laws on Sunday for dinner!

  2. Diaryofapremmymum7 April 2012 at 21:24

    broke the toddler? how could you?!! We had a lovely day out today at a local theme park, Smidge had her first go in a ball pool. she roared with laughter to see mr. G emerge from underneath the colourful balls. the funniest thing she ever did see! we wil lbe breeding our dog tmrw, cooking the usual sunday lunch and popping down to church. x

  3. I remember trapping twin boys finger in the door, he screamed like hell and the guilt was overwhelming!

    he survived though! x
